Walt Disney Animation Studios proudly presents the wonderful new adventure, WINNIE THE POOH. Return to the Hundred Acre Wood for a heartwarming original movie, and reunite with the beloved bear and his silly but steadfast friends for a magical family experience. When sad old Eeyore loses his tail, Owl sends the whole gang - Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Kanga and Roo - on a wild journey to help Eeyore and save Christopher Robin from the mysterious Bakson. Inspired by five stories from A.A. Milne's books and created in Disney's legendary hand-drawn style, this all-new classic introduces one of the world's most cherished characters to a whole new generation. Narrated by John Cleese and bursting with brand-new songs performed by Zooey Deschanel, this wonderfully whimsical film is a must-own for every family's movie collection!